Android Girls : kim yeo hui + iphone

Kim Yeo-hee AKA applegirl002, the South Korean sensation whose blown up YouTube with videos of her performing Beyowulf and GaGa tracks with musical accompaniment from music applications on her iPhone, has signed a record deal!

She says:

“I have many songwriter friends, who introduced me to various music applications. Since I bought my iPhone, I kept playing with it and experimenting with different apps and got totally hooked. I wanted to show people I can do playing and singing at the same time. These days you should sell yourself. I wanted people to watch and evaluate my performances. It would be great if Apple contacts me, but I know it can only happen in my wildest dream. But I definitely want to work outside Korea if opportunity comes.”

website :

Another rising stars ... dnt knw much about her but let yoou guys knw if i knw more details about her ... she sings well too !!!!

gosh ... got to get an iphone !!!!