Wall e Camhore (jln 222 & cineleisure)

Kenny has a wall e too, this wall e can dance n chat, eyes blink in sync to music and also MP3 compatible with built in speaker...cool leh...

Sean bz makan at jln 222 mamak, tat wht indomee call tat place (jln 223) He's dam 7 hungry...

Kenny and helen wall e ......

Oj bz taking shoots of wall e.

wall e and her owner helen.

Later we headed to cineleisure to catch a movie. We watch mirror (ghost story) Sean and dr. jones box with hulk hand.

Capturing OJ shadow, look at OJ, he very "min keung" .... after this photo i'll let you go ....

Kenny with his smile, btw where's helen ?

Still bz with her wall e. Tak habis habis dengan wall e...... Helen lets go, movie about to start ....

finally she finish with her wall e. Taking a big drink before the movie start....